New European Surgical Academy
In January 2016 the NESA launched the VIEZION working group with the aim to optimize post-surgical oncological treatment by combining targeted chemotherapy with stem-cells and the Preimplantation Factor (PIF) therapy for improving natural immunology. Institutions who have joined this project are: the Department of Applied Stem Cell Biology and Cell Technology at the University of Leipzig, Germany, the BioIncept in New Jersey, USA, the Hartmann Oncological Institute in Paris, France and the Gynecological Oncological Department at Charite University Hospital, Berlin, Germany.
Many studies compare different surgical approaches, often, however, in each group the procedures might show some variations. As only standardized surgical methods are optimal for comparing methods, surgeons and institutions, the NESA promotes meta-analysis studies with standardized methods. View the PDF.
The NESA promotes an evidence-based Cesarean Section based on the principles of minimalism. One of the unsolved questions is the optimal place to open the uterus with or without opening the bladder plica. Although the uterus and the cervix comprise one organ, their histology and function are completely different as determined by the embryology. Revisiting the embryology might solve this question and the NESA initiated a 2-armed prospective, international, multi-centric study in cooperation with University Hospital of Versaille in Poissy and ELSAN Hospital Group, France.
The first European Natural Orifice Surgery interdisciplinary working group was created by NESA (NOS / SLO). Its goal is to develop surgical procedures using the natural openings of the human body, and scarless operations. It elaborates study protocols, conducts pre-clinical and clinical studies, explores specific physiological and surgical aspects and develops adapted instruments. The first meeting of the working group took place on June 23, 2006. Endoscopical procedures have replaced laparotomy in many cases. The NESA believes that the natural orifice pathway might equally replace many laparoscopic operations. This is due to the relatively low risk in introducting the instruments, and to the assumedly lower intra-abdominal pressure required. Transaxillar and transmamillar procedures are also optimized by the NOS / SLO working group. So far the main project has been the Trans-Douglas surgeries and the Trans-Oral Thyreodectomy. Find out more on the NOS/SLO working group. Find out more on the NOS/SLO working group